Pastor’s Notes 11/1/2024

The much-anticipated day has arrived! This Sunday marks the 50th anniversary of Sun City Christian Church. According to history compiled by A.T. DeGroot our church was born out of a shared vision for a welcoming, Disciples of Christ congregation in Sun City—a vision brought to life by passionate members and leaders who poured their energy and faith into creating this community.

True and Mary Morse were among the first to advocate for a Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) presence in Sun City. Their devotion to the faith, along with gatherings of like-minded residents in their home, sparked the movement to establish the congregation. Their efforts were supported by Reverend Dr. Wayman W. McReynolds, who first envisioned this mission during his tenure as Executive Minister for the Christian Church in Arizona, along with Mabel Figgs, whose commitment as Administrative Secretary kept the project alive.

In the spring of 1974, Rev. Dr. Hartzell M. Cobbs was called as the organizing pastor, arriving in Sun City in October to help shape this new congregation. With Dr. Cobbs’ guidance, a community of worshipers took shape, and on November 3, 1974, fifty-seven people gathered for the first official worship service at Lakeview Recreation Center, with church leaders like Dr. William Pearcy present to bless and witness this beginning.

This Sunday, we’ll honor these foundational members and the countless others who have continued their work, serving God and community for fifty years. Join us as we remember our history with gratitude, celebrate how far we’ve come, and look forward with renewed hope for our church’s future. Wear your 70’s clothing, get photographed, mingle, and enjoy the potluck after worship with menu items from previous church cookbooks!

I look forward to celebrating with you in person and on YouTube as we welcome Mark D. Anderson, President and CEO of National Benevolent Association of the Christian Church (DOC) to preach the good news!


Pastor’s Notes: 10/25/2024

This weekend the Christian Church in Arizona will be hosting our regional assembly at First Christian Church in Tucson. Marcia Blake, Carol Finch, Bill Finch, and I will attend. Please pray for our collective gathering and the work we will do together as Church!

As a part of the gathering, representatives from Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) agencies and organizations attend to stay connected with local congregations and the work of the region. Many of these individuals stay through Sunday and the region farms them out to preach and be present with local congregations that would like the opportunity to hear from the greater church. We will be one of those congregations.

Dr. Rickey McCray will step into our pulpit and bring words of greeting from Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, IN. We are delighted to welcome him as he inspires us with a message entitled “Has Your Soul Been Anchored” based upon the text from 2 Chronicles 20:1-12! We will also celebrate our Wellness Ministry team and bless the work they have planned for us.

Don’t forget, our 50th Anniversary service will be on Nov. 3rd at 9:30. Come in your 1970’s clothing and prepare for a beautiful Sunday of celebration and remembrance. We will take photographs, display church history, offer tours, mingle and finish the morning with a potluck of dishes made from SCCC cookbooks!

It is a wonderful time to be a part of Sun City Christian Church as we serve God and community! I look forward to worshipping with you in person or on YouTube this Sunday. 


Pastor’s Notes 10/18/2024

People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them. –Mark 10:13-16

Scholars confirm, that Biblically speaking, a blessing is understood as a divine favor, gift, or approval that brings spiritual, physical, or material benefit. Blessings are associated with God’s presence, grace, and provision, and they serve as a means through which God’s will and goodness are expressed to individuals, communities, and creation.

In the Old Testament, blessings are tangible—promises of land, offspring, and prosperity, seen in covenants with figures like Abraham and David. Old Testament blessings often reflect God’s desire for justice, community, and love. Blessings and love are key components of God’s relationship with humanity, and they challenge believers to act justly and love both God and neighbor.

In the New Testament, blessings take on a more spiritual and communal dimension through Jesus’ ministry. Many scholars agree that Jesus reshapes the understanding of blessing, focusing not just on material benefits but on the relational connection to God and neighbor. The Sermon on the Mount’s beatitudes, for instance, offer blessings to those who are poor, meek, and peacemakers—signifying that the true blessing is found in embodying God’s kingdom values.

No one is exempt from being worthy of receiving God’s blessing or sharing it. The blessing of Jesus is often an explicit call for an inclusion and love that reflects the ongoing relationship between God and humanity, one that demands responsibility, love, and justice.

Repeatedly, we are reminded not only of the blessings we receive but the blessing we are called to be as a community. We are finding true joy in being together, welcoming others, and expressing love rather than judgment. On Sunday we will remember the sacrament of our baptism and the blessing we received to “go and walk in the newness of life.”

Don’t forget that our 50th Anniversary will happen on November 3rd so start looking through your closets for that 1970’s outfit you will wear to church that day! Our ladies are also recruiting folks to cook specific recipes from our All-Church Cookbook, and we could use your expertise! I look forward to worshipping with you in person or on YouTube Sunday.


Pastor’s Notes 10/11/2024

Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us
–Psalm 90:17

Sun City Christian Church is excited beyond measure to receive a Congregational Vitality Grant from our region. Every year the budget is tight, and we must focus on paying staff and tending to the building and so the pot is always bare when it comes to funding energized and life-giving ministry.

 Because our Regional Church believes in our bright ideas, we have been granted $30,000. We are able to build upon our Disciple Women Service Projects, improve campus signage as well start new Wellness, and Storytelling Ministries. We can’t wait to serve God and our community as we begin our next 50 years of vital ministry!

I thought you might be interested to learn more about what is in store in the year ahead. Here is the explanation we presented with grant request:

Sun City Christian Church (DOC) is living into our action plan “Serving God and Community.” We have been making strides as a congregation to serve in ways that allow our passions, interests, and skills to meet the needs of our congregation and community. This year, new ministry teams have formed and established ministries have claimed a revived purpose.

The regional vitality grant will provide an amazing financial foundation for us to build upon as none of these requests are currently sustained by our operational budget but will be evaluated and supported as needed by each team bringing the request as we grow into our future.

Wellness Ministry

We are fortunate to have several members whose career was in the healthcare field who have formed our team. An overarching goal is to help our congregation understand that health and wellness relates to one’s Spiritual wellbeing. Providing resources and helping people become advocates for their medical care and wellness was a motivating factor in developing an educational series of lectures and gatherings.

Another goal is to build relationships between participants that help alleviate isolation and loneliness, as well as to develop trusting relationships with the health and wellness team. In addition, we seek to encourage members to remain active, better understand the aging process, learn about community resources, smoothly navigate the medical system, and become more comfortable talking about matters of faith through the aging process.

We will begin offering education sessions in September 2024 and will run them over the course of at least 10 months, collaborating with qualified internal and  community professionals. Some subjects will require more than a single session to focus on the topic discussed. We expect to have approximately fity individuals (half congregates, half area church partners and the community) attending each event, but with advertising and word of mouth by our attendees, we expect numbers to grow.

Topics we plan to address through this first series of educational sessions: Aging and agism/Dementia, navigating the healthcare system, end of life issues, osteoporosis, falls, and fractures, footcare/podiatry, medication, nutrition, visual and hearing impairments, how to choose a Medicare supplemental plan, keeping important medical and legal information, medical fraud, waste and abuse.

We now have qualified and passionate individuals in our congregation to re-establish a Parish Ministry program. It is important that we be prepared with appropriate equipment and supplies for first aid as well as medical emergencies. We are pursuing other grants to obtain an automated external defibrillator. Exercise is important to the health and wellness of our seniors.

These sessions will augment the informational sessions to support an active and healthier congregation and community. Our program, based on participant needs and desires, could include Tai Chi, chair yoga, walking programs, aerobics, Pilates, and strength and balance training led by expert instructors. In subsequent years we anticipate paying our professionals through budget funds and small fees from participants.

Digital Storytelling Ministry

A handful of passionate individuals have emerged with a desire to utilize digital media to share our story. Not only will we stream weekly worship experiences on YouTube but we will create a video collection of stories about Sun City Christian Church’s ministry and the individuals who belong here. In addition to a bolstered YouTube library, the church will build a catalog of recorded stories for all willing participants in our faith community. These recordings can then be used in Sunday Morning worship, in celebration of birthdays, utilized in memorial services, and passed along to family members in remembrance. How we wish to be remembered can be captured on video and remain a living archive of Sun City Christian Church. The items requested from the team will aid in the production and quality of our streaming and recording.

Disciple Women Service Projects

Disciple Women’s Ministry (DWF) at SCCC has a long history of outreach to fulfil the ongoing needs of local serving those in need in the community. This past year the group produced lap quilts, Foley bag covers, numerous teddy bears, fidget mats and fidget sleeves. To continue to meet these needs and decrease the financial burden on a few members currently supporting the service projects, additional equipment and supplies are needed. Many of the donations received by the group in the past are older and already worn out. Group needs include cutting mats, Scissors, rotary blades, print fabric for quilts, solid fabrics for quilt backings, batting for quilts, stuffing for bears, embroidery sewing Machine to print church logo on quilts and shirts, work lights, and other misc. supplies. In addition to the monthly meetings, workdays, and Lunch Bunch outings, we have shared workspace with the “Caring Angels” group that makes plarn out of grocery bags. Several times a month we engage all members to assist with DWF or outreach projects during Sunday fellowship time. These activities help to combat alleviate isolation and loneliness among our members as well as include them in the outreach mission.

Campus Signage and Promotion

We are blessed with a fantastic building from which to do ministry. One thing area we need to improve upon is with signage and captures the community’s attention as well as offering proper directions as to where to park and go once they arrive. An immediate need arose recently when one half of our dual digital projection sign on the corner of our property fell over. The repair professionals have identified a way to reattach it to the original base that has lived on the corner of our property since the late 70’s and to return it to operation. The additional request will be for direction signs in the parking lot and to identify door entrances. A banner identifying Sun City Christian Church will hang below the bell tower and our new church logo and branding will adorn it and the sign on the corner.

Inspiring Seniors: aging support group

weekly on Thursdays at 9 am

Are you looking for a supportive community to share the joys and challenges of aging? This group is designed to help us navigate the many aspects and changes we encounter as we age.

You are welcome here each week for a morning of connection and inspiration in a safe space, led by Fred Wieck.

Whether you’re facing challenges or simply seeking companionship, you’re welcome here.

Come on down and let’s make the most of this journey together! Remember, you’re never alone when you have a supportive community by your side.

Book Club

Second Thursdays at 10:30 am; in the church library or on Zoom

Looking for a new book group to join? Sign up for our monthly Book Club!

All are welcome to join us for this month’s book discussion. Reading the book or being a church member is NOT required! Books are available to borrow for each session.

Call the church office to sign up 623-972-6179. If you’re at church on Sunday, there is an overview and sign-up sheet in the narthex.

Books are available to borrow for each session.

Lunch Bunch

Monthly on the fourth Friday at 11 am

Come for good conversation and an opportunity to meet new friends! Each person is responsible for the cost of their own meal; restaurant will distribute individual checks. Sign-up sheet is in the narthex, or call the church office.

(check the weekly update or call the church office for the location)

Men’s Breakfast

Monthly on the second Tuesday at 9 am


Our monthly breakfast gathering for men is a place for faith, food, and fellowship! We meet at 9 am every second Tuesday at George’s Lakeview Cafe, 10502 W. Thunderbird Rd., Sun City, AZ 85351

Join us!

Each person is responsible for the cost of their individual meal.

A sign-up sheet is available in the narthex or you can call the church office (623) 972-6179.

Disciples General Minister and President here on Jan. 26!

Disciples of Christ General Minister and President, Rev. Terri Hord Owens, will be here at Sun City Christian Church on Sunday, January 26!

It’s a don’t-miss Sunday, so mark your calendar and watch for more details coming soon.

Rev. Teresa “Terri” Hord Owens is the General Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. She is the first person of color and second woman to lead the denomination, and the first woman of African descent to lead a mainline denomination.

Elected in 2017, Rev. Hord Owens was re-elected to a second term as General Minister and President in 2023. Her ministry actively reflects the Disciples’ priority of being an anti-racist church, being a movement for wholeness, and welcoming all to the Lord’s table as God has welcomed us. Her exhortation to the church is “Let’s be the church we say we are. It is in being who we say we are that we actively bear witness to God’s limitless love for all.”

Rev. Hord Owens earned her bachelor’s degree in Government with a minor in Afro- American Studies from Harvard University. Hord Owens’ resume includes more than 20 years in corporate America leading diverse teams in data management in health care and other industries before she entered seminary.

A graduate of University of Chicago Divinity School, Rev. Hord Owens served 12 years as the Dean of Students at her alma mater. Rev. Hord Owens also served as the pastor of First Christian Church of Downers Grove, Illinois, where under her leadership, FCCDG became an open and affirming, antiracism, pro-reconciliation congregation.

Hord Owens is widely sought after as a preacher, speaker, and workshop facilitator. Her ministry and intellectual interests include spiritual development, a theology of reconciliation, cultural intelligence, developing inclusive and multi-cultural congregations, and the mentoring of young adults.

In addition to collaborative service with Disciples ministries and congregations as they seek to make justice happen, she has been active in leadership in the Poor People’s Campaign, Repairers of the Breach, and other ecumenical and interfaith collaboratives. In keeping with the Disciples’ historic commitment to Christian unity, she serves in leadership at the National Council of Churches as the Treasurer of the Governing Board and a member of the World Council of Churches Central Committee.

Rev. Hord Owens is married to Walter Owens, Jr. They are the proud parents of an adult son, W. Mitchell Owens, III and daughter-in-law Adriana Owens. She is also the joyful grandmother of Zachary Owens.