Pastor’s Notes 4/12/2024

“Knock – Knock.”

“Who’s there…?” “


“Arn who?”

“Aren’t you going to come and celebrate holy humor Sunday at Sun City Christian Church?”

This Sunday we will begin a new series about tips for experiencing resurrection.  The first bit of advice for truly undergoing new life in Christ on this earth is to laugh. Scripture tells us directly that Jesus wept but whether he had a sense of humor is more implicit, but surely, he had a sense of humor.

How could Jesus not laugh? Some of his favorite people to hang around were children and they had no trouble relating with him. Children are playful, filled with wonder, and don’t take themselves or life too seriously. He had to exude these virtues to relate so well.

How else could one speak of a camel going through the eye of a needle unless they had a light-hearted take to life.

In our sermon time together, we will explore stories that confirm Jesus’ sense of humor. We will give ourselves permission to look at scripture through a lens that sees Jesus capable of sarcasm or replying in jest. The theme scripture for Sunday is John 21:20-25 and is the continued conversation between Jesus and Peter after he appears to his disciples on shore.

So come on Sunday with your best jokes in mind as we get through life together with laughter.
