Pastor’s Notes 6/7/2024

Then God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7

We are one with the earth, or in the least we should be. The stories of creation in Genesis remind us of how deeply and intricately connected all of life is. Earth sustains and fills all of creation for we are in a symbiotic relationship with all that God has made, starting with the earth itself. During the month of June we will explore our covenant with God and creation and the importance for living sustainably as a faithful response.

In an article about learning environmental responsibility from the Old Testament, Ellen F. Davis says, “Being fully human means also understanding our unbreakable bond with the land, the material base of life. One cannot go more than a few chapters in the Old Testament without seeing some vivid reference to land and its importance for humanity, beginning with the image of adam (in Hebrew meaning “man, humankind”) formed from Adamah (“soil”) in Genesis 2:7.”

In worship on Sunday, we will explore in greater detail ancient Israel’s connection with the land and the importance it played in their understanding and faith. Davis also mentioned that living into our humanity means honoring God and those who preceded us by living within the natural limits of the world, caring for the soil, and living wisely on the earth that has been left to us.

Pastor’s Notes 5/31/2024

God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind and the cattle of every kind and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind. And God saw that it was good. Then God said, “Let us make humans[a] in our image, according to our likeness…   – Genesis 1:25-26a

This Sunday we will begin a series reminding ourselves of our covenant with God to care for creation. Our scripture for Sunday is Genesis 1:24-27 and if we look closely at the quote above, we notice something interesting about humanity. On the day in which God created humanity, God first made cattle and wild things.


I always just assumed we got our own day, ya’ know. But according to scripture humanity, made in the Holy’s likeness, was quite possibly crafted from was left after making cows… That is humbling information that I think is also telling.

Like everything else, we too are created. We have been formed and shaped and craftily knit into these complex and individually unique packages. Thank goodness God also gave us some extra parts the livestock didn’t need to be earthly companions capable of some incredible things. We do bear a role of responsibility, only we aren’t superior to creation for we too are a part of it.

We have been created. So, we are creatures, we are creations, and quite often we forget this amazing little detail in our holy DNA. Sunday we will sit with the truth that we are God’s created ones, that we are not greater than the rest of God’s making but one with it. We are formed in God’s image, crafted with other beings and so the ecological crisis the world faces is also a spiritual and religious one. We will prayerfully explore our role and responsibility as Christ’s beloved to care for God’s creation. I look forward to worshipping with you in the chapel or on livestream. 
