For proper communication to ever happen certain elements must be involved. There must be a sender, a message, and a receiver. For our stories to live on, they must be experienced, shared, and heard.
We have some amazing stories to tell. We tell tales of adventure from our many travels. We have moments we cherish like achievements, graduations, engagements, weddings, births, and anniversaries. We have stories that make us laugh and stories that make us cry. We have stories of lessons learned and challenges yet to be conquered.
Our Resurrection tip for this Sunday is “Share Your Story.” New life can happen when we tell our stories. The memories stay alive, our conviction and purpose can remain in our forefront when we don’t forget where we have been and what we have been through.
Our text will come from Luke 24:13-27, the story of two of Jesus’ disciples and their encounter as they walk home from Jerusalem after Jesus’ death. While the two disciples are in deep in conversation with each other, a stranger (Jesus) approaches and asks a question that sets the conversation on fire, (and I paraphrase) “what ya talking ‘bout?”
So, they tell all of that they had experienced, and all that Jesus was and did. The seven miles to Emmaus wasn’t enough to cover it all and something about this stranger’s listening skills prompted them to invite him to stay with them a bit longer, to come in and share a meal.
On Sunday we will explore the importance of telling our life and faith stories and we will celebrate the people with whom we cherish sharing our stories with. Every day resurrection happens and the more we share and listen to our stories, the longer our legacy will remain. See you Sunday.