Pastor’s Notes 3/29/2024

Focal Scripture Luke 24:1-12

As the Sanctified Art team wrote in the notes for Sunday’s text, we might expect that, after denying Christ, Peter would cower in shame—or perhaps even run away in an attempt to leave his past behind him. Instead, when he hears the news from the women, he doesn’t dismiss them like the other disciples. He gets up and runs to the tomb.

When Peter peers into the empty tomb and sees the linen cloth, he is filled with awe. Even after the biggest failures, even after the worst-case scenario has happened, can we run toward hope? Like Peter, will we keep going? Will we keep looking for God in our midst?

In our reading from Luke 24:1-12 on Easter Sunday we will experience the promise fulfilled in resurrection. Resurrection is the gift that continues to provide followers of Christ with purpose, meaning, and that persistent little word that we call hope. Hope prevails on Easter morning and continues to fuel us in our pursuit to be the living presence of Jesus in this world.

If you are reading this post on Good Friday or Holy Saturday, may you find a moment to sit in prayerful reflection. Without crucifixion there is no resurrection. Light is brighter after the darkness. Hope springs from that which is certainly lost. Sit for a moment with the anguish of Jesus as the brokenness in our world is great. Allow yourself to sink into the heaviness, trusting that you will not be consumed. Hope is coming!

I look forward to shouting Hallelujah with you on Easter Sunday. 


Sermon: 4/9/2023 Easter Sunday

Jesus prepared his disciples and loved ones (and us) as best he could. We know that each of his followers responded in their own ways with doubt and separation being a popular choice but we also know that belief was ever present, especially amongst the women of Jesus’ life.

The women listened and believed and understood Jesus when he said that after the third day he would rise again. Our scripture account for Easter Sunday will come from Matthew 28:1-10.

Mary Magdalene and the other Mary will go to see the resurrection promise fulfilled. A great earthquake will rumble, an Angel will appear, and belief will send the women forth to tell of what they have encountered at the tomb. They will see Jesus for themselves and proclaim to the disciples, “Christ is Risen!”

We too will arrive at the empty tomb and see the promise fulfilled and the glory of Christ all around us!