Pastor’s Notes 1/5/2024

He said to them, ‘Why were you searching for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?  – Luke 2:49

“I have an idea.” 

“Here’s a thought.” 

“I wonder.”

I like those sentences. I will drop whatever I am doing and pay full attention every time someone (especially a member of Sun City Christian Church) has an epiphany. This is who we are and what we are called to do: manifest Christ into the world through our ability to love.

The season of Epiphany is about recognizing that Christ has come to the world for all. God’s love is greater than any power or might that humanity could wield, and it is available to all who wish to receive it.

I really wrestled with scripture passage to utilize for Sunday. Do we focus our epiphany energy onto the Magi finding the Christ child and paying him homage? Do we follow the lectionary and celebrate Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist? Both of those scriptures regularly appear this time of year, but I was drawn to another passage, Luke 2:41-52.

As we continue in Luke’s gospel, immediately after Jesus is dedicated in the temple, we find him back in the Temple 12 years later. After having journeyed to celebrate the Passover with his family and community, Mary and Joseph fail to recognize that he is not with them on the return journey.

“Where else would I be?” Jesus responds to his parents. Engaging about deeper questions of faith in the Temple was the obvious answer and the ah-hah moment for us readers as to what the following stories of Jesus’ life would hold in store.

Together we will explore our ideas for how to love fully as those who believe in Jesus. We will begin to give shape to our calling and purpose for loving others with all our mind, body, and Spirit.

As we forge ahead into a new year, we will do so together in worship and in prayer! See you Sunday in the Chapel as we will continue to worship there until further notice.


Pastor’s Notes 12/8/2023

In those days Mary set out and went with haste to a Judean town in the hill country, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. –Luke 1:39-41

One thing the authors of our “How does a weary world rejoice” want to impress upon us is that in community, our joy expands. Even when personally, we are weary and may find it hard to rejoice, we can carry each other’s joy. Not only are Elizabeth and Mary kin, but they now become deeply kindred spirits for one another.

The good news begins to take shape in Elizabeth’s womb, but scripture tells us that she stays secluded, hiding her pregnancy from others—that is, until Mary arrives at her door, also pregnant. Perhaps Mary’s arrival is the inbreaking that changes everything for Elizabeth, for in that moment, her child leaps in her womb and she is filled with the Spirit. She can’t help but rejoice.

Being around people who aren’t afraid to expose their excitement permits us to do the same. Joy thrives when it can be shared. Joy operates so much better when it is a communal experience. Engaging in moments that connect us is why parents who are expecting invite those they love to gender reveal parties. This is why fans thousands upon thousands of fans fill stadiums for sporting events and concerts, to share joy with others.

Our authors remind us that Joy is fundamentally rooted in connection, but connection expands beyond just human relationships. We experience joy through feeling a deep connection to ourselves, our loved ones, to God, to nature, and to the whole cosmos that surrounds us. As we look to the Gospel text, many sermons may emphasize how Elizabeth provides sanctuary for Mary. However, this year, we hope to highlight a different angle: perhaps Mary’s arrival is what pulls Elizabeth out of her seclusion, allowing her to experience joy and delight.

On Sunday we will celebrate the mutuality of Elizabeth and Mary’s bond—even if they each cannot feel joy for themselves, they are both holding joy for each other. From that connection, joy grows. We are connected as the body of Christ; we are on a journey of faith together! See you Sunday.


Finding Peace Amidst the Holiday Hustle: A Longest Night Service

Longest Night Service / Blue Christmas

The holidays can be joyful, but for many of us, they can also bring up feelings of loss and sadness. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the “merry” expectations while mourning the absence of a loved one or facing difficult emotions, you’re not alone.

This Longest Night (Blue Christmas) service, on Thursday, December 21st at 3pm, offers a gentle space for reflection and remembrance amidst the holiday rush.

Find solace, comfort, support and understanding in this brief service which offers you a moment of pause and peace during the longest night of the year. You are welcome to come as you are, and bring whatever memories or feelings you are having.

Don’t let the holidays overshadow your grief. Find strength and comfort in shared quietude and understanding.

Pastor’s Notes 11/10/2023

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us,looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God.  – Hebrews 12:1-2

Last Sunday we thought about the important role being a community plays in curbing the loneliness we feel. A recent Meta-Gallup survey revealed that 1 in 4 adults worldwide experience feeling very or fairly lonely. Based upon what we know of ourselves already, it makes sense that one of reasons why we exist as a community of faith may be to help folks fend off loneliness.

As followers of Jesus, we are a people of hope. We believe that the presence of the Holy is with us in our earthly lives as well as for eternity. We trust in light outshining the darkness and the good days outweighing the bad. Though it can be easy to forget, loneliness is temporary, and we are never permanently alone.

The Holy Spirit is with us. The realm beyond what we physically see is infinite and this verse from Hebrews reminds us that the Spiritual presence, memory, and impact of our loved ones and ancestors keeps us from being alone.

We are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses…

This is a Godly promise that keeps us going and serving together. On Sunday November 12th, we will celebrate All Saints Sunday. Marilyn Fidmont with the Christian Church Foundation will be with us as we remember the legacy of those who have gone on before us and to share with us the possibilities for continuing the financial viability that has maintained our church for 50 years.

In your prayers, please lift these beloved members and spouses of our faith community whom God received into eternal life since last November. We will honor them in worship on Sunday. Any omission to this list is not intentional. Please let me know if there are any names that have been overlooked.

We remember:

Carsten Carlson
James D’Avanzo
LaMaryl Shipp
Larry Wilber
Kurt Wolfram

I look forward to worshipping with you and honoring our saints on Sunday! Also, please be aware that members of our faith community, who were present at church on Sunday have tested positive or been exposed to Covid. 


Pastor’s Notes: 11/3/2023

The spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me; he has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and release to the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor…
(Isaiah 61:1-2a)

Last Sunday we learned about the year of Jubilee in the book of Leviticus. It was already to be the practice that every 7 years, the land was to have a year of sabbath rest. Then after the 7th sabbath year was to be a year of Jubilee. Every 50 years was to be a celebration of release from sin, a restoration with God, and a reset for and with all of creation.

In a poem from “Dreaming Anew,” Jubilee is described as:

In the day of Jubilee,
the Holy One brings justice to the oppressed
and food to the hungry.

In the day of Jubilee,
the Holy One sets the prisoners free
and opens the eyes of the blind.

In the day of Jubilee,
the Holy One lifts up those who are bowed down
and watches over strangers and widows and orphans.

In the day of Jubilee,
all creation reaps a rich harvest of peace.

This Sunday we will sit with the idea of Jubilee once more (Luke 4:16-21), but from the words of Jesus as he reads the scroll from Isaiah 61. Something interesting happens here and perhaps with it a sense of clarity. Jesus proclaims that he is the one to bring justice and release. That the “year of the Lord’s favor” would be found in him. Jesus would make every year a Jubilee.

With Christ, every day should be a day to bring good news to the poor, release to the captives, and a proclamation that God is with us. This is who he was and what we are called to do in the world as a community of those who follows Jesus.

“Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing,” Jesus said as rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The laws of Israelites and the prophecy of Isaiah has been and continues to be fulfilled says Jesus.

So, for us, 2024 will be an ideal opportunity to remind ourselves of this calling and purpose. We are the body of Christ and we have been called to great things. For 50 years the saints who have gone on before us lived faithfully and established this wonderful space, tradition, and mission for us as Sun City Christian Church. It will be the perfect opportunity to release, restore and reset as a faithful community.

As followers of Jesus, we have much to celebrate and even more to look forward to as we grow the Kindom of God in this place. I look forward to worshipping we you on Sunday!

In your prayers, continue to lift up Joe Emmerson and add the health of Burnell Babcock as their return to Arizona has been delayed until after January.


Pastor’s Notes 8/25/2023

I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace…
– Ephesians 4:1-3

Our sermon theme (Eph 4:1-16) for this Sunday is that the plan of God has implications not just for past estrangement but present and future growing up into Christ. The point being, we must choose to give of ourselves as Jesus did in servanthood to others. We must do it! Our initiative is the major implication of God’s plan: humanity will need to carry the load of loving like Christ in the world. The choice of how to live is ours to make. Are we making choices grounded in a Christ-like love and grace?

In her commentary for this series, Mary Hinkle Shore mentions that Ephesians is ostensibly written by an imprisoned apostle Paul, and here the prisoner in the Lord implores his readers to live worthily of their calling to life without dividing walls or prison bars. The center of the text, however, is not an imperative, but the story of Christ’s astonishing freedom and willingness to descend to earth with the gifts of heaven. We know this plot line from Philippians 2. He did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped. He emptied himself.

May we as a congregation continue to discover those ways in which we are willing to empty ourselves for the fulfillment of others.

See you Sunday and if you haven’t told me, texted me, called, or emailed the office to let me know you have been reading this weekly column, do so to receive a prize!


Pastor’s Notes 8/18/2023

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace; in his flesh he has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us.    –Ephesians 2:13-14

Sunday in worship we will continue our series on Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus. Last week we explored the fullness of God’s plan that is mentioned in the first chapter of the letter to the Ephesians. As the Bible unfolds, we can interpret God’s plan to involve, creation, covenant, Christ, church and consummation.

We know that God’s plan is based upon a deep love that not only knows no boundaries but is never limited to a certain group or demographic of people. This week we will explore the fact that God’s plan is necessary.

The hope we find in Jesus’ ministry and mission was to bring a unifying understanding of God’s love intended for Jews and Gentiles, slaves and free. This was a part of God’s plan and the necessity for unity binding all people together in love is just as pertinent today as it was when the church first heard from Paul about it.

God’s intention is for peace and unity, not conflict and division. Together we will explore the role we can play as the body of Christ called to love and witness.

Our worship team seeks your assistance. We would like to hear which of your favorite hymns whose backstory you would like to learn more about. Please list them on the back of orange prayer sheets in the worship space and place them in the basket at the back of the chapel.

Also, we are desiring to have folks share a story in worship responding to the thought, “I am a disciple because __________.” Please let me know if you would be willing to participate in an upcoming worship service, we would love to hear from you!

Lastly, I am curious to know who has been reading these weekly updates. Anyone who can say to me, “Yes I read the email, may I please have a prize?” will receive one!

I look forward to worshipping and fellowshipping with you on Sunday!


Pastor’s Notes: 7/30/2023

“Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Luke 17:20-21.

This weekend begins the General Assembly for our denomination. It is the first time the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has gathered together in person in 4 years. 

Over the last several weeks we have studied together the theme, “Kindom of God: within us, among us.” We are not alone in our faithful pursuits. God is present in so many relevant and revealed ways. It is always good to remind ourselves that we are a part of something more than our personal pursuits. (Please welcome Rev. Dr. Bob Howard as he will remind us of this simple truth from the pulpit this Sunday.)

The reign of God is revealed within our communities. For nearly 50 years we have thrived as the body of Christ in Sun City. Because of our denominational identity as ‘people of the chalice’

And the vision of the region to expand our  witness, we were born. 

As Luke wrote, “the kingdom of God is in our midst.” God is here and is using us to be an extension of love, grace, justice, and peace. We are the embodiment of all Jesus came to be and his hope lives on through us.

I invite you to join our greater collective for online worship together as a church. We are a part of something significant and life giving. May the Holy Spirit bind and remind us of this truth as we prayerfully welcome our inclusion together as a Church.

The link to worship is found at this link.

Nightly Schedule:

Preacher: Cha. Maj. Owen Chandler
Offering: Pension Fund’s 13th Check 

Preacher: Rev. Yolanda Norton
Offering: Reconciliation Ministry

Preacher: Rev. Dr. David Anderson Hooker
Offering: Week of Compassion 

Preacher: Rev. Terri Hord Owens
Offering: Disciples Mission Fund