Special delivery to Benevilla!

On Wednesday, March 13, 2024, ladies from Sun City Christian Church visited Benevilla to deliver handmade quilts, knitted bears, crocheted/knitted baby blankets, and fidget mats to Benevilla for their programs working with adults and families with young children.

The church schedules a service day every fourth Monday from 9am to 12 noon to work on all these projects and all are welcome to join.

Call 623-972-6179 for more information.

Pictured left to right is Cliff Yoder, Benevilla Donor Relations Manager; Timmie Wilber; Sylvia D’Avanzo; and Marcia Blake.

Pastor’s Notes 3/22/2024

As our Lenten series shifts into Holy Week, sometimes Peter will play a major role and at other times he isn’t mentioned at all, leaving us to fill in the gaps with our imaginations. The Palm Sunday story in John 12:12-16 leaves us imagining where Peter might be and how he is participating.

On the day when Jesus enters Jerusalem for the last time, we are often charged to consider where we would be in the crowd. Are we singing praise? Are we joining in, or standing back? This year, we are invited to imagine where Peter is in the parade. To do that, perhaps we must remember all the events that have led up to this point.

Our series began with an abundant catch, and a charge to drop everything and follow. Peter has walked on water and clung to Jesus for rescue. He has pronounced his faith confidently and been called Satan and told to get out of Jesus’ way. He has asked questions and learned about the expansiveness of grace.

And now, the end is near. Peter stands among the crowds as they sing songs of loudest praise. The odds are good that Peter is experiencing the full spectrum of emotions and feelings. This roller coaster ride of Spirit won’t get any easier for him in the days ahead.

Following Jesus requires strength, courage, patience, and trust. Peter’s Holy Week journey runs the gambit of human experience. And yet, Jesus builds his church upon the faith of disciples. May we, as followers of Christ, live and love to the best of our ability.

Just a reminder that we will worship at Desert Garden UCC on Maundy Thursday at 5 pm and then on Good Friday we will be in our sanctuary at 4 pm

Pastor’s Notes 3/15/2024

In the commentary from our Lenten Devotional by A Sanctified Art this week, Dr. Terence Lester teaches us:

In Matthew 18:15-22, Jesus teaches about community and repair. Peter, eager to learn, asks him a follow up question. Jesus gives an expansive answer, emphasizing the abundance of forgiveness. This story shows the importance of asking questions and expanding our faith, especially when we’re comfortable not having all the answers and we’re open to seeing the world in more nuanced ways.

Jesus’ response to Peter’s question about forgiveness highlights the ambiguous math of grace. Peter learns about abundant grace. It’s about letting go of rigid limits and embracing the limitless possibilities of forgiveness and repair.

If I have learned anything about faith, it is that I always seem to have more questions than I do answers. In fact, my questions tend to lead to more questions. The good news is that I am comfortable with the mystery of belief.

For faith to truly work, we must always be open to learning something new. The best way to learn is through asking questions and then staying open to whatever answers we receive.

Peter continuously asks questions and seeks deeper understanding. In this text, it is the topic of forgiveness that causes him challenge. May we keep our hearts open to the possibilities God presents to us and may we learn something about ourselves and our relationship with the Holy.

See you Sunday.

Pastor’s Notes 3/8/2024

As the authors from A Sanctified write in the sermon preparation material for this week, there are a few texts many preachers dread, and Matthew 16:21-23 might be one of them. To go from Jesus praising Peter as the rock of the church to declaring, “Get behind me, Satan!” certainly feels like whiplash.

One idea that surfaced in their theme-planning discussions is how this interaction between Jesus and Peter shows us the intimacy and trust that they shared. Jesus rebukes Peter because he loves him deeply, and because he has high expectations for him as the “rock” of the church. Perhaps we are even witnessing Jesus’ grief as he declares, “Get behind me.” This is an idea that many of us could empathize greatly with Peter on. Who doesn’t want to avoid pain and suffering?

Ultimately, this week’s text shows us that growing in our faith inherently comes with challenges and complexity. In the midst of grief and hardship, can we stay rooted in our convictions while also loosening our grip on control? If we are in a stage of deconstructing our faith, can we move through that season with an open heart and open hands?

I look forward to worshipping with you this Sunday as we continue to wander the Lenten journey with Peter finding his place as a follower of Jesus. May we also, better understand our purpose and calling as the body of Christ.


Maundy Thursday worship

Thursday, March 28 at 5 pm

The community is invited to a service of Tenebrae and Communion at

Desert Garden United Church of Christ
18818 N. 128th Ave. Sun City West, AZ 85375

Participating congregations:

Sun City Christian Church, Disciples of Christ
United Church of Sun City, United Church of Christ
Church of the Palms United Church of Christ
Desert Garden United Church of Christ

Pastor’s Notes 3/1/2024

Greetings Sun City Christian Church.

It is good to be back home from vacation and praising God together with you sin this season of Lent. Our theme for this season is “Wandering Heart: figuring out faith with Peter.” With the help and wisdom of A Sanctified Art worship resources, we are focusing on the life and faith of one of Jesus’ most famous disciples.

In Peter, we see a person who is both steadfast and unsteady, a dear friend and a betrayer, a follower and a wanderer. In Peter, we often see ourselves. By following Peter’s journey, we watch the story of Jesus unfold through the eyes of a very normal human trying to figure it all out- just like us.

The goal of this series is to affirm that faith is a constant journey of steadfast pursuit, one that ebbs and flows. That wandering is exploration, not necessarily distance from God. We want to affirm the ways Peter keeps going: he drops his nets, he walks on water, he runs to the empty tomb, he swims to shore to meet the risen Christ. He keeps searching and yearning and loving, even after missteps or mistakes.

Ultimately, in Peter’s story, we are reminded that God loves imperfect people—in fact, time and again, that’s precisely who God claims and calls. This Lent, we will look for ourselves in the stepping stones of Peter’s story. We will reflect on the stages of our own faith journeys as well as who and what has shaped us along the way. As we wander, let us tune our hearts to sing God’s grace. May we rest in streams of mercy, never ceasing.

As we connect the theme phrase, “Praise the mount” from the hymn, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing to our featured text of Matthew 16:23-30, we will think about the proclamations of faith that we are willing to make. It is easy to be hesitant when talking about our faith, but together in our act of worship we will find the comfort necessary for us to find strength in our convictions and proclaim Jesus who we know him to be.

See you Sunday,