Sermon 1/22/2023

What a beautiful Baptism experience Jesus had. A dove descended from heaven and landed upon him and God spoke words of favor and blessing… and then…

Jesus is barely dry before Matthew’s gospel places him in the wilderness, where for 40 days of fasting only to be tempted by the devil in his most vulnerable moment. The Spirit lead him them there, and almost as if on purpose. Matthew 4:1-11 is intense, as Jesus is hungry from fasting and the devil is relentless in pursuit of getting Jesus to cave to the temptation.

Jesus endures and all the while proclaims commitment to God with words of instruction for the reader to take to heart. He is tempted by bread for his hunger, safety from danger, and offered all the power he could ever want.

In her essay in Feasting of the Word, Maryetta Anschutz said of Jesus temptation, “Each time Jesus rejects temptation, he sets up for the reader a way to understand the cross to come. Certainly God can save God’s self from death on the cross, and certainly God in Jesus can refuse temptation to sin, but in our humanity we need to see God offer sacrifice and refuse temptation in order to learn the lesson ourselves.”

In this we wrestled deeper with the Church’s ability to learn this lesson of trusting God and ourselves to endure the temptations of the world we face.

Sermon 1/15/2023

Listen to Rev. Trish Winters’ sermon, “John the Baptist, Jesus Baptized.”

We walk into the waters of baptism with Jesus and John the Baptist from Matthew 3:1-17. We stand in dismay like John pondering our worthiness to proclaim the amazing presence of our God. We pick up that mantle once more and go forth into the great darkness bringing the light of love.

We are called to bear the light because this story of Jesus’ baptism ordains it. The dove marks him as holy. Everything John preached and proclaimed of the one who is to come that baptizes with the Holy Spirit and with fire has come into fruition in this story.

And so, for us, those who believe and who have walked through our own waters of baptism, we find our voice. This Sunday we will renewed once more our baptismal vow and claimed our role of sharing the good news of God among us.

Pastor’s Notes: 1/6/2023

I am so excited about our upcoming worship together this Sunday, January 8th. Rev. Dr. Jay R. Hartley will be with us to share the good news and officially install me as Minister! It will be a true day of celebration as we burst into 2023 together.

The focus scripture for the morning comes from Matthew 2:1-23, the story of the Magi. According to the authors of our Generation to Generation worship material: “the Magi were seekers. They sought wisdom, they sought the divine, they sought fortunes to tell the future. Their seeking leads them to Jesus, the newborn king of another culture and religion. And yet, their seeking is also what protects them from Herod’s deception and harm.

After the Magi go home by another way, Joseph is visited again by an angel in his dream. This time, the angel brings a warning, and like before, Joseph heeds the message. Fleeing from Herod’s massacre, Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus seek refuge in Egypt; they remain there, living as immigrants, until Herod dies.

Like the Magi, may we seek the divine and be willing to journey closer to God. Like the Holy Family, may we seek safety for all families who are under threat. This new year and every year to come, let us keep seeking— wisdom, justice, and a better world.”

I look forward to worshipping with you on Sunday!
