The importance of telling our stories, learning from them, and sharing them with one another.

Peter said to Jesus, “Master, it is good for us to be here; let us set up three tents: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah,” Luke 9:33

As I think back over the memories of my life, there are thousands of times where I wish it could have lasted longer: loved ones laughing, listening to favorite stories, birthdays, holidays, and family gatherings. These are pitch a tent and stay a while, kind of moments.

In Luke 9:28-36, Peter, James, and John witness Jesus’ radiant transformation on the mountaintop. Overwhelmed by the moment, Peter wants to build a dwelling place—to hold on, to remain, to preserve. We, too, long to hold onto the meaningful moments of our lives. This longing isn’t a bad thing, because our stories matter. Our memories shape us.

This Sunday, we will reflect on the importance of telling our stories, learning from them, and sharing them with one another.

As we begin our Lenten series, “Finishing Faithfully,” we invite you to think about the stories of faith, love, and transformation that have shaped your journey. Where has God met you on the mountaintop? How have those moments carried you forward? On Tuesday, March 5th when we gather for our first “Lenten Lunch & Learn,” a writing instructor will guide us through exercises to help us put our stories on paper.

Join us this Sunday for worship in person or on YouTube and stay a while—dwell in the beauty of memory, the power of story, and the presence of God.
