Pastor’s Notes 2/7/2025

Do nothing from selfish ambition or empty conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests but to the interests of others. Let the same mind be in you that was[a] in Christ Jesus,
Phil 2:3-5

This Sunday, I will introduce a new, ongoing sermon series: “Following Jesus from A-Z.” Through this series, we will explore the many ways we live out our faith, word by word, action by action, as disciples of Christ. We will ponder together what it means to follow Jesus in every part of our lives and how we embody the love, humility, and purpose Christ calls us to.

Our journey centers itself around Philippians 2:1-8, a passage that calls us to the very heart of Christian discipleship: the mindset of Christ. Paul’s letter to the Philippians is a powerful reminder that following Jesus is not just about belief, it is about transformation. Christ emptied himself, humbled himself, and took on the role of a servant. In doing so, he set the example for how we are to live, grounded in love, unity, and sacrifice.

Each ordinary time Sunday, we will reflect on key words that shape our faith and deepen our walk with Christ. From A for “awareness” to Z for “zeal”, we will discover how the Holy Spirit leads us to embody the gospel in the world today.

I invite you to join us this Sunday in person or on YouTube as we begin this journey together. Let’s seek the Spirit’s guidance, grow in faith, and follow Jesus—one step, one word, one act of love at a time. Don’t forget that after worship of February 9th will be our congregational meeting to approve leadership and budget for 2025.
