Pastor’s Notes 7/19/2024

Rizpah took funeral clothing and spread it out by herself on a rock. She stayed there from the beginning of the harvest until the rains poured down on the bodies from the sky, and she wouldn’t let any birds of prey land on the bodies during the day or let wild animals come at nighttime.   2 Samuel 21:10

God was moved.

Through our series of unlikely heroes, we have identified multiple instances where human response has affected God. In last week’s text, the daughters of Zelephehad changed God’s mind. In the story of Rizpah found in 2 Samuel 21:1-14 God’s heart is touched by an act of sincere devotion, love and faithfulness.’

As we will learn in greater detail on Sunday, David is ruler of Israel at the time of our story, and the land has experienced three hard years of drought. Frustrated by the notion of why, David confronts the Lord who reveals to him that it is because of former King Saul breaking covenant with the Gibeonites and putting them to death.

King David offers reparation, whether in a political gesture of good will, in pleading with God, unresolved anger towards Saul, or any other emotion that was possessing him in that moment. The request is that seven of Saul’s descendant be executed in the public square and left there, without proper burial or remembrances.

Two of the men were sons of Rizpah, who was a concubine of Saul. The most we know of her comes from her actions in this story. For several months she holds vigil by the deceased and holds all predators at bay. In this act of love, others took notice and sent word to King David about this woman’s fidelity to her children and her grief.

David has a change of heart and has the bodies of Saul, Jonathan and these 7 transferred to their family tomb and given proper burial. “After that,” reads the story, “God heeded supplications for the land.”

So… what can this mean for us today? When our hearts break, so does God’s. Honoring the dead and grieving properly is important for the people and for God. We also get a glimpse of just how strong the bond is that parents have with their children, and it brings a sense of purpose and obligation that never leaves.

God was moved. Kindness matters. The love and compassion we show to others is not only noticed, but it is infectious. I look forward to worshipping with you in person or on YouTube this Sunday!      
