Pastor’s Notes 7/5/2024

But the midwives feared God; they did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but they let the boys live. -Exodus 1:17

“Sun City Christian Church (DOC): Serving God and community.” This is our congregational action statement, and we will utilize it to celebrate 50 years of faithful ministry. We will also continue to live into this declaration as we turn the page onto what the next 50 years as the body of Christ might look like.

Far too often the people of God get discouraged and utter under our breath, “What difference can we make.” “We are old.” “We have nothing special to offer.” “Surely, God would prefer to use to somebody else to serve.”

The reality is that the people of Sun City Christian Church are exactly who God has in mind to love as Jesus would from our doorstep and beyond. God is using us and the gifts each of us bring matter.

Over the next few Sundays, we will study the stories of faith ancestors who could have very likely uttered similar excuses to why they too may have felt less than worthy as servants of God and community. “Unlikely Heroes” will center us around lesser-known servants who are barely mentioned by name or in a single act of faithfulness that made a significant difference to the Kingdom of God on earth.

Exodus 1:15-22 will set the tone as a handful of remarkable women were responsible for Moses to exist and survive in this world and become one of the greatest prophets God ever called. They were quick on their feet and not afraid to take a risk or to stand for what they knew to be right.  God was present with them and as a result a nation of people was saved.

We will also explore the contributions of others like us who have lived into a calling and purpose as followers of Jesus. We are making a difference as we serve God and community together! I look forward to worshipping with you Sunday in person or on our YouTube live stream.
