Pastor’s Notes: May 17, 2024

The premise that Jesus seemed to teach from was: Tell them, then tell them what you told them. Once you have told them, then explain it to them before showing and telling them again.

Well, the time for all of that is behind him. Last Sunday we read where Jesus revealed that the Holy Spirit has come upon his followers and that they will be his witnesses to the ends of the earth. He said this then ascended to the heavens. This was his final earthly encountered with his beloved.

In Acts 2:1-21, for Sunday, Luke gives us the story of Pentecost. Jesus’ disciples didn’t have to wait very long for this gift of the Holy Spirit to breathe upon them like a mighty wind with tongues of flame dancing about their heads.

They were able to express the good news of God in the languages of the foreigners who happened upon the house where they were. This truly miraculous and God inspired moment sets the stage for the birth of the church and the amazing ministry the followers of Jesus, throughout the ages, would embark upon.

The Holy Spirit is still with us as Sun City Christian Church continues to share the good news of the resurrection Promise to our neighborhood and beyond. I look forward to worshipping with you in person or over Facebook Live Sunday as we celebrate Christ with us. Wear red (orange and yellow works too) and come be moved by the Spirit!